Tag: Education

CHS Students Represent the District at DECA Competition

Sixty-seven CHS students competed in the DECA competition on Feb. 4. Many qualified for the State Career Development Conference. Click the headline for more details. https://www.claytonschools.net/site/Default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=1&PageID=1&ViewID=6446ee88-d30c-497e-9316-3f8874b3e108&FlexDataID=49484

FOX 2 News Visits with CHS Students Prior to Iowa Caucus Field Trip

CHS students will spend the weekend volunteering at Iowa caucus. Click on the headline to learn more and view photos. https://www.claytonschools.net/site/Default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=1&PageID=1&ViewID=6446ee88-d30c-497e-9316-3f8874b3e108&FlexDataID=49357

CHS Students take the stage at the 2020 Missouri Junior Thespian Conference

On Jan. 10, CHS Theater students performed in competition with other schools and improved their craft along the way. Click on the headline to learn more and view photos. https://www.claytonschools.net/site/Default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=1&PageID=1&ViewID=6446ee88-d30c-497e-9316-3f8874b3e108&FlexDataID=49363

Clayton Elementary Students Exercise their Computer Science Skills in the Annual the Hour of Code

Elementary students used a variety of learning tools to participate in coding activities during the Hour of Code from Dec. 9-15. Click on the headline to learn more and view… Read more »